Natural Remedies to Keep Ants and Cockroaches at Bay


Dealing with ants and cockroaches can be a real nuisance, but turning to harsh chemicals for pest control isn’t always necessary. Natural remedies can be surprisingly effective and much safer for use around your home. One simple, eco-friendly solution involves using common household ingredients that repel these unwelcome guests. Here’s a look at how you can keep your home pest-free naturally.

Natural Ingredients to Use:

Many natural substances are unappealing to ants and cockroaches, effectively deterring them from entering your home. Here are some of the most effective:

Cinnamon: Known for its strong, pleasant aroma to humans but detested by pests.

Coffee Grounds: The smell of coffee is potent for insects and can act as a barrier.

Peppermint Oil: A refreshing scent for us but a powerful repellent for pests.

Bay Leaves: Their unique scent is another natural deterrent.

Steps for Using Natural Remedies:

Choose Your Ingredient: Depending on what’s readily available in your home, select one or more of the substances listed above. Each has been proven to help keep pests away.


For cinnamon, coffee grounds, and bay leaves, you can use them directly without any preparation.

For peppermint oil, dilute a few drops in water to create a spray solution.


Sprinkle cinnamon or coffee grounds, or place bay leaves in corners of rooms, near entry points, and in areas where you’ve noticed ants or cockroaches.

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