Bay Leaves: 3 Unusual Uses of Boiled Bay Leaf Tea & Manifestation Rituals

Bay leaves, known for their fragrant qualities and their widespread usage in cooking, really have many more applications than just that. Specifically, boiled bay leaf tea has a lot of unique and inventive uses. In this article, we will look into an interesting way of employing bay leaves for manifestation and examine three distinct applications of this powerful beverage.

1. Soothing and Natural Skin Refresher An ideal all-natural solution for skin problems, Soother Bay leaf tea is a treasure trove of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant components. In the form of a skin toner, the tea has the potential to alleviate redness, cut down on acne, and promote general skin wellness.

How to Apply:
Get the Tea Ready: A few dried bay leaves, boiled in water for around 20 minutes, will make a flavorful paste. Turn off the heat and let the tea to cool.

When ready to use, pour the strained liquid into a fresh spray container once the leaves have cooled. After washing your face, mist your skin with the bay leaf toner or use a cotton ball to apply it. Leave it on your skin for a while before rinsing.



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