Delivery Guy Left a Message for Me on a Pizza Box — Turns Out, He Saved Me from a Disastrous Marriage

Good evening, Emily. Jake’s gone tonight?” Tom asked, trembling.

I said, “No, just me tonight,” trying to be cheerful. Tom nodded and bolted, too hastily.

His actions bothered me as I closed the door. Was he okay? Shaking off worry, I carried the warm package to the kitchen. The smell of garlic and tomato sauce was comforting, like an embrace.

However, opening the box made my heart race. Black Sharpie was used to write, “He is not who you think, on the box lid. Check your doorcam.”

A chilling surge of dread made the pizza taste bad. Setting the package down made my hands tremble as the apartment’s cheery hum faded into silence. I wondered what that camera might reveal.

I struggled with our door camera tablet, trembling. The pizza box message gave me shivers, and the time until I accessed the app felt like an eternity. As I swiped through the camera’s history, my breath caught.

Then I saw.

My Jake welcomed a woman at our door. No ordinary woman—she laughed as she offered him drink. Heart plummeted. I kept scrolling. A woman with a stack of movies appears again.



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