Hands down, my fave money and time saving hack! Grab a 10 lb bag of onions from Costco & try this technique

5. Seal and store:
Make sure to remove as much air as possible before sealing the bags. Store the bags in the freezer for future use.
How Long Frozen Onions Last
When stored properly, frozen onions can last up to 6-8 months in the freezer. They remain safe to eat beyond this time, but the flavor and texture might degrade. Always check for any signs of freezer burn or off smells before using them.
In conclusion, freezing onions by chopping them up and placing them in Ziploc bags is an efficient and practical way to keep them fresh for longer. This method not only saves you time in the kitchen but also reduces food waste. Try it out and enjoy the benefits of having ready-to-use onions at your fingertips!



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