laundry soda
Another effective remedy, which should not be confused with sodium bicarbonate, is sodium carbonate. We also know it as laundry SODA, or soda solvay.
Carbonate, in fact, is also effectiveto degrease and neutralize bad odors..
Take, then, two tablespoons of sodium carbonate ,and then add a little water, until you have created a paste thicker.
Pour the mixture into the armpit area of the garment and always try to use a pair of gloves to work the paste.
Then let the paste sit for about 20 minutes. Next, rinse well with cold water and proceed to wash the garment.
Caution: Do not use sodium carbonate for delicate or wool fabrics..
How to avoid staining sweaters with sweat
Once we have seen the natural ingredients that can remove yellow stains on shirts and T-shirts, let’s look at some of the other tricks to follow to prevent these stains.
First of all, we recommend that you always use an anti-stain deodorant.
In addition, it is advisable to wash the white shirt immediately after wearing it to prevent stains from sticking.
Always choose to buy more breathable fabrics, such as cotton fabrics, wool, silk and avoid more synthetic fabrics such as polyester.
These, in fact, tend to trap sweat more and form stains.
In any case, always read the washing labels so as not to make a mistake!
How to remove yellow sweat and deodorant stains?.