A painful, bony bump on the side of your foot can make you frustrated, limit your ability to walk comfortably and make it difficult to find shoes that fit. If you’ve noticed such a bump near your big toe, chances are you’re dealing with a bunion.
What is a Bunion?
A bunion, known as hallux valgus in the medicine, is a bony protrusion that forms at the base of the big toe joint, where the toe meets the foot. It occurs when the big toe leans inward toward the second toe, causing the joint to jut outward. This misalignment can cause pain, inflammation, and even arthritis in the joint.
Though some people are genetically predisposed to developing bunions due to foot structure, they can also be caused or exacerbated by wearing ill-fitting shoes, especially high heels or narrow-toed footwear. Over time, bunions tend to worsen, leading to increasing discomfort and mobility challenges if left untreated.
Signs and Symptoms of Bunions
The main sign of a bunion is a visible bump on the side of your foot at the base of the big toe. However, other symptoms may be:
– Persistent pain or tenderness at the site of the bunion.
– Swelling and redness around the joint.
– Restricted movement of the big toe, making it harder to walk or flex the toe.
– Corns or calluses where the toes rub against each other due to misalignment.
– Thickened skin at the base of the big toe.
The Causes Of Bunions
Bunions develop due to uneven pressure on the foot, often related to poor foot mechanics or wearing tight or narrow shoes. Common causes are: