Hey there! While brewing a cup of tea may be a soothing and revitalising experience, what happens to the used tea bags after you’ve done using them? Before you toss those used tea bags in the trash, think about all the creative ways you can put them to use around the house. These small bags of leftover tea leaves have a wide range of uses, from gardening to cleaning
Get Your Garden Revitalized You can really enhance your landscaping using used tea bags. For plants that thrive in acidic soils, such as ferns and roses, tea’s tannins are a great way to alter and reduce the pH level of your soil. After you open the bags, you may condition the soil around your plants’ bases by scattering the moist leaves. In addition to its antifungal and insect-repelling properties, tea leaves are a natural mouse and pest deterrent.
Why You Ought To Give Second Thought Before Throwing Away Used Tea Bags
Simple Ways to Clean Naturally Use dried tea leaves to scrub pans and pots due to their somewhat abrasive nature. Before cleaning your cookware, immerse it in a sink filled with warm water and a few old tea bags; the tea will help dissolve oil and food stains. The tannic acid in discarded tea bags may be used to clean mirrors and windows without leaving streaks.
Give Your House a New Look Aromas may be absorbed by using tea bags as well. Put a few old tea bags in the fridge, the garbage, or wherever else you could find unpleasant odors. Utilizing the tea bags may assist in eliminating smells and restoring a pleasant scent to your surroundings. Another option for a natural air freshener is to combine some essential oils with dry old tea bags and store them in a drawer.
Minimize Skin Redness Because of its anti-inflammatory characteristics, tea may help calm red, inflamed skin. You may use cold used tea bags to soothe sunburn, insect bites, and swollen eyes. The cooling impact and medicinal qualities of the tea work together to bring about rapid relief.
In summary, Think about all the other things you can do with those old tea bags before you throw them away. Using tea bags instead of other common household items may save you money, time, and effort, and they have a wide variety of uses around the house, from cleaning to deodorizing, from improving the appearance of your garden to calming your skin. If you give these ideas a go, you might end up saving money and resources.